How To Balance Chakras With Crystals
Through our journey of chakras, we’ve learned the importance of opening our chakras and truly understanding them. Feeling anxious, insecure, and physical issues are signs of a blocked chakra. We want to aim for open and balanced chakras so that energy can flow freely throughout the body and mind.
In my last blog post, we explained the multiple ways we can balance our chakras. One way to balance our chakras is by using crystals.
Crystals aid you in your spiritual journey and achieving whatever positive changes you want in your life.
There’s been a rise in popularity for crystals, but how do they work? How do they have the ability to heal?
Crystals carry unique vibrational energy that is thought to realign your emotional, physical, and spiritual energies. This vibrational energy is believed to be the result of the constant assembling and disassembling of bonds between molecules.
The crystal’s vibrations don’t change but when in contact with someone who has lower vibrational energy, it will be able to adjust them to a higher frequency and unblock your chakras. Setting intentions with a crystal will allow you to connect with what you need and want.
You’ll find what you want out of your life and feel more self-assured.
We will always continue to face challenges throughout our life, but through this, we will be ever-evolving and grow more into the person we want to become.
Using crystals to unblock chakras and find clarity will help you find gratitude in these challenging times. Of course, this healing practice cannot be instantaneous but the more you practice the more you learn and grow into who you want to be.
Now that we have more of an understanding of how crystals work, how can we use them to balance our chakras?
Firstly, here’s a quick guide to finding the right crystal for the chakra you are aiming to balance.
Root Chakra = Black, Brown, and Red Crystals
Sacral Chakra = Orange, Peach, and Brown Crystals
Solar Plexus Chakra = Yellow, Gold, and Chartreuse Crystals
Heart Chakra = Green and Pink Crystals
Throat Chakra = Light Blue, Blue, and Teal Crystals
Forehead Chakra = Indigo and Violet Crystals
Crown Chakra = Violet, Gold, and White/Clear Crystals
However, if you are seeking to balance all seven chakras you can try using clear quartz as it contains all the colors within it. Remember that when you’re choosing your crystal to follow your intuition and what calls to you the most.
Now, how do we use the crystals?
Creating the Right Ambiance
Just the same as in every meditation and healing practice, we need a relaxing and soothing space to ease into. We want to feel the sense of deep relaxation to truly immerse ourselves in this crystal healing. This space doesn’t need to be big or fancy but has elements that will bring you peace and release stress.
Play soothing music
Remove any clutter or distracting technology
Light some candles safely
Burn incense or diffuse essential oils
Dim the lights
Wear comfortable clothing and ensure that overall your laying comfortably
Once your comfortable and your area is serene enough, take a few deep breaths to relax and begin your healing.
Placement of the Crystals
You have the option to either place your crystal(s) around your body or directly on it. How to know where to place your crystals is to place them around the area of the chakra you’re focusing on.
Root Chakra = Between the inner thighs
Sacral Chakra = Between your hip bones
Solar Plexus Chakra = Between your lower ribs and belly button
Heart Chakra = On the sternum, directly in the middle of your chest
Throat Chakra = On or beside the throat
Forehead Chakra = Between the eyebrows
Crown Chakra = Above your head
Don’t fret if the crystals you’ve placed have fallen or continually fall. It doesn’t need to be perfect and as long as it’s around the specific area, you’re good to go! Don’t feel the need to stress and be too stiff to keep the crystal on. The healing doesn’t stop when it falls, feel free to leave it near the desired chakra area.
The Duration of Cleansing
The amount of time doing crystal healing depends on what you’re comfortable with. If you’re new to crystal healing, start with 5 minutes then slowly make your way up to the time that suits you best. If you’re not able to sit for a certain amount of time, don’t feel pressured to force yourself to stay in this state. This healing practice is meant to destress not create stress.
Once you’re settled and your crystals are in place, the next goal is to visualize each chakra. Begin with the root chakra then move up the body to the crown chakra, taking the time to visualize each chakra one at a time. Take deep slow breaths and begin to visualize the meditation colors of each chakra…
Root Chakra = Red
Sacral Chakra = Orange
Solar Plexus Chakra = Yellow
Heart Chakra = Green
Throat Chakra = Blue
Forehead Chakra = Indigo
Crown Chakra = Violet
Try to envision these colors as a glowing ball exuding from each chakra. Try to let go of the daily stressed thoughts and immerse yourself in this glowing ball of light.
Cleansing and Charging Crystals
Before and after your crystal healing, cleanse and charge your crystals. Depending on what type of crystal you’re using you might be able to cleanse them in a bowl of sea salt and water then placing them in sunlight. However, certain crystals can’t get wet as they can disintegrate. If you can’t get them wet, try passing them through incense or sage smoke which is called smudging.
Keep up with your crystal healing and maintain patience. It may take time but the improvements mentally, physically, and spiritually will impact you greatly and increase your knowledge to grow into the person you aspire to be.