How To Balance Your Chakras
If you’ve been feeling unmotivated, stressed, or unstable, there is likely the possibility that your chakras are blocked. Certain situations that cause these anxieties could be significant transitions in your life, such as traveling or moving, the weather, and what you consume, not just food and drink but also the conversations and ideas you bring in. Chakras that are out of balance can create negative symptoms shown physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
These symptoms are examples of why balancing the chakras is very important. Experiencing these things can be very frustrating. However, it’s not impossible to bring your emotions and focus back into balance.
If you haven’t yet, read my last blog post that breaks down the seven chakras.
Before knowing how to balance our chakras, let’s explore how to know what chakras are blocked through these specific symptoms.
Root Chakra
This chakra is located at the base of the spine and relates to your sense of security and safety. When the root chakra is blocked, it may cause anxiety and fearful thinking. Physically, if you’re experiencing pain in the lower body and a poor sense of physical stability. Mentally, feeling insecure and unsafe, your personal life is chaotic and unsettling, and a sense of feeling stuck in where you’re at in life could mean there’s an imbalance.
Sacral Chakra
This chakra is located at the lower abdomen and relates to pleasure and creative energy. When the sacral chakra is blocked, it may cause pain and stiffness in the hips and sexual and reproductive issues. Mentally, you can feel easily overwhelmed, emotionally closed off, and inability to be creative.
Solar Plexus
This chakra is located in the upper abdomen and relates to your feelings of self-worth and self-esteem. Since the solar plexus is related to self-esteem, a blocked chakra will lower your self-esteem. Physically, experiencing digestive issues and abdominal pain indicates a block. Mentally, if you don’t experience low self-esteem, you can have an overinflated ego, inability to commit or follow through with goals.
Heart Chakra
This chakra is located in the center of the heart and is related to spiritual qualities of love in all relationships, inner peace, and empathy. Physically, you can feel pain in your upper back or chest, tightness in the shoulders, be overly-flexible. Mentally, there’s an inability to receive love, whether it is platonic or romantic, a lack of compassion for oneself, and feeling a lack of love.
Throat Chakra
This chakra is located in the throat and is related to how we communicate and our self-expression. Physically, you can experience a sore throat or laryngitis, jaw pain, habitually grinding your teeth, and pain or stiffness in the neck. Mentally, you may have a habit of overtalking and not staying silent or having the inability to speak up and stand up for yourself.
Third Eye Chakra
This chakra is located in the forehead, where your ‘third eye’ sits and relates to your intuition and ability to make decisions. Physically, you may experience headaches or brain fog, not being able to focus. Mentally, there may be a lack of good intuition, unable to feel inspired, and an overactive imagination.
Crown Chakra
This chakra is located at the head’s crown and is related to our connection to spirituality and awareness. Physically, you may experience headaches. Mentally, you’ll feel unable to focus on tasks, see beyond your problems, or not feel empathy. This block could translate into constant drama in your life.
How to Unblock Your Chakras
One method of balancing your chakras is to practice visualization. What is visualization? What do you visualize? Well, essentially, this is manifesting what you want in your life and the type of person you want to be. Be specific in your visualization and if you need a bit of a boost, write down what you want to see in your visualizations down to the minor details. Once you start practicing this method, it changes your chakras’ energy to match what they would be in your future reality, which manifests itself.
Sound Healing
Sound healing is a practice using vibrations to relax the mind and body. It clears energetic blockages and heals your physical and mental health. If you can’t find a sound healer in your local area, try using a gong or a Tibetan singing bowl to place yourself in a meditative state.
Chakra Balancing Chants
If you don’t have any sound healing tools, there is another method you can try. Using sound by practicing chants can open the energy flow in the body.
To understand what to chant to activate your chakras, try these chants…
Root Chakra = LAM
Sacral Chakra = VAM
Solar Plexus = RAM
Heart Chakra = YAM
Throat Chakra = HAM
Third Eye Chakra = OM or AUM
Crown Chakra = OM or AH
When saying these, make sure that you’re not chanting in a low voice but instead confidently and clearly. If you need help or cannot attend a yoga class incorporating chants, there are plenty of videos on YouTube guiding you through the chakra meditation.
The majority of people have heard of crystals and even have them. There are many ways to tap into the power of crystals, one being crystal meditation. Based on your symptoms, choose a crystal that matches the chakra that needs rebalancing.
Using a broader range of crystals, here are a few that correspond with the chakras.
Root Chakra = red garnet, red jasper, obsidian, bloodstone
Sacral Chakra = amber, carnelian, red garnet
Solar Plexus = citrine, topaz, tiger’s eye
Heart Chakra = rose quartz, jade, emerald
Throat Chakra = aquamarine, blue topaz, turquoise
Third Eye Chakra = amethyst, lapis lazuli, sodalite
Crown Chakra = clear quartz, moonstone, amethyst