What is LED Light Therapy?

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LED light therapy has become more of a popular presence in professional beauty treatments and a rising trend for at-home facials. There are many promises to what light therapy delivers for the skin but how does it work? Is it effective?

Originally, it was developed by NASA for plant growth experiments in space missions then eventually discovered what it can do for wound treatment. Now it’s used by estheticians as a non-invasive treatment to heal the skin.

LED light therapy uses varying wavelengths to help target different skin concerns such as acne, fine lines, and wrinkles, redness, and overall relief.

If you’re concerned about UV radiation from the lights don’t fret because LED is actually safe for regular use as it doesn’t contain UV rays. Compared to other types of light therapy, LED will not damage the skin and is proven to be safe for all skin types.

Don’t expect to see results immediately as you will be needing to go back for the treatment once a week for up to 10 weeks. You will see an improvement in your skin over time rather than instant gratification.

Let’s discuss the different types of lights used in LED light therapy and their benefits.

Blue Light

Blue LED light therapy is the best light targeted toward those with acne-prone skin as it penetrates the pores. Blue light targets overactivity in the sebaceous glands, which are oil-secreting glands of your body or the oil glands. The blue light causes the glands to produce less oil, therefore, enabling the possibility of seeing fewer breakouts. It can also kill acne-causing bacteria that live beneath the skin and cause inflammation. Blue light can also be beneficial towards skin cancer prevention, sun damage, and even depression and sleep disorders.

Those who are affected by seasonal affective disorder can use blue LED light therapy to naturally trigger the production of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is the ‘feel good’ brain chemical and during the winter season with its darker and shorter days, it’s difficult to produce enough serotonin.

Red Light

Red LED light therapy works on the surface level of the skin, the epidermis. Red light or infrared light is beneficial for those with concerns with scarring, fine lines, and wrinkles. When the skin is exposed to red light the epidermis absorbs it and stimulates collagen proteins. This will make your skin appear smoother and plumper giving it a healthier youthful glow. Oftentimes red and blue light are used together in the treatment.

Besides the benefits of regenerating tissue to plump the skin, red light therapy can go beyond the facial realm of treatments. It’s been shown that it also may benefit hair growth for those with androgenic alopecia, promote wound healing, reduce psoriasis lesions, and help improve joint health among many other claims.

Professional LED Therapy Treatments

Now, when we talk about professionally done treatments of light therapy it’s often combined with other skin procedures. Just the same as any other treatment it’s more of an add-on to a facial. Typically, LED sessions last about 20 minutes, and depending on your skin type and where you receive the facial, you’ll be using multiple types of light. It could appear a tad intimidating but it’s actually completely painless.

As noted above, this is not a one and done treatment. It’s suggested to have about 10 treatments once a week that is eventually followed with a maintenance treatment every few months for maximum effect. All good things take time so when receiving light therapy remain patient with the result time.

There are side effects that can be experienced with LED therapy however it’s very rare. These effects could be increased inflammation, redness, rash, pain, or tenderness in the area of the treatment. Again, the side effects are rare but are mostly due to certain medications like Accutane, which causes light sensitivity or existing rashes on the skin may also be easily irritated by light. It’s also recommended that you wear eye protection during the treatment as the professional LED is stronger than those bought for at-home therapy. Price-wise you’ll find LED light therapy sessions range from $25 to $200 depending on where you’re getting the treatment.

At-Home LED Light Therapy

Since the pandemic started, at-home LED therapy gadgets have risen in popularity as seen on social media when numerous people post selfies in their LED face masks. These tools are in fact effective and convenient especially if you’re still not comfortable getting a facial during these times or just want a quick way to receive a light therapy session.

More commonly the tools found for at-home facials utilize red light and blue light, often combining the two. You can find handheld devices to target specific areas or the full mask that covers your entire face. These are of course not as strong as professional tools, but can still show benefits at your convenience. Just remember to maintain the rest of your skincare regime and not rely solely on light therapy.

LED Light Therapy is offered at Simple Healing Space. Call or text to reserve your session.